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At Plant Your Seed, we believe saving the planet starts with having compassion for yourself.  We seek raw and authentic stories from ordinary people who audaciously transformed their lives by transitioning to a plant-based diet.

Sep 21, 2023

Ben Hagerty is an essayist and travel writer for the website, It's Bree and Ben, which he co-founded with his wife, Bree Nemiroff. Since 2017, he and Brianne have visited and written about vegan businesses in more than 60 destinations throughout Canada and the U.S.

In 2020, Ben and Bree relocated to Vancouver, BC,...

Sep 14, 2023

Sersie Blue is a health coach and Gigi Carter is a nutritionist. Together, they have a new book, Daniel Fast: Why You Should Only Do It Once. This book empowers the reader to take charge of their health by using the Daniel Fast as a jumping-off point to a long-term sustainable whole food, plant-based vegan lifestyle.

Sep 7, 2023

Trey Morrow is an animal liberation activist from South Carolina, USA. He is the co-founder of Animal Activism Mentorship, a program that empowers humans to take action for animals by providing one-on-one mentorship and a supportive community.