Feb 25, 2021
Steven Seighman is a plant-based food photographer and founder of the website The Nut-Free Vegan. He is a ten-year vegan and lifelong food allergy sufferer. Another aspect of The Nut-Free Vegan, which aligns with his belief in change through positivity, is his support of animal sanctuaries. He is a member of several...
Feb 18, 2021
Kartikeya Talreja is a Los Angeles based certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Digestive Health and Lifestyle Coach. Ayurveda is one of the oldest health systems in the world which originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda believes that most diseases originate with imbalances in the digestive system. Kartikeya...
Feb 11, 2021
Lena Kaneider suffered from anorexia nervosa and veganism changed her life. Veganism helped her battle and overcome anorexia nervosa. The colorful vegan diet let her enjoy food again and helped her regard it as fuel rather than the enemy. She also became aware of certain problems in this world and now lives...